AMAZEMET Sp. z o.o. | |
00-867 Warszawa, Al. Jana Pawła II 27 | |
+48 573 481 303 | | | | |
AMAZEMET is a spin-off company of the Warsaw University of Technology. The company focuses on metal 3D printing, particularly in the areas of new materials, R&D and industrialization. The solutions offered allow the production of metallic powders from any alloy, suitable for various applications (e.g. 3D printing). The company also develops post-processing solutions, such as compact high vacuum laboratory furnaces, and a device for automated removal of support structures and surface finishing. AMAZEMET maintains a strong connection with academic researchers by participating in collaborative research activities focused on developing new materials for 3D printing and partnering in projects, such as EIC Pathfinder,, Horizon 2020, and ESA.
rePowder – ultrasonic atomizer
inFurner – high vacuum furnace
safeEtch – automated support removal
Metal 3D Printers distribution:
GE Additive and Aconity 3D
Metal powder ultrasonic atomization
- production of spherical metallic powder
for various applications, eg. 3D printing
Heat treatment - processes for modifying
the microstructure of the material
Metal support structures removal
and printed parts surface finishing
CNC machining
HIP processes
Metal 3D printing and process